
Only the Penitant Man Will Pass

Spuyten Duyvil is sort of a Holy Grail of beer bars. A veritable wonderland of strange elixirs for the imbibing. Not only can you get a true Imperial Pint, but there are a host of other traditional options to try. Not the least of which being the Cask Ales, which vary seasonally. Seating is a little challenging, but get there early and the choice is yours.

8.5 out of 10 Pints.


kruddles said...

Their cask ales are always fucked up...flat and nasty, they aren't supposed to be like that. Also, beer in a WINE GLASS is counter intuitive. The do have choice suds and a killer backyard.

yr blog rules btw

SLamb said...

Indeed. Never drink out of a wine glass lest we give the wrong impression.

Thanks and keep reading.